To start off the project I employed.. OK mainly bugged my best friend to help with the first layer.... I know she must by now KNOW that I am out of my mind when it comes to art projects, I don't think she was quite aware of what she was getting herself into. And bless her heart, she's still my best friend...
I ripped up a book, a novel based on a nautical story- how very appropriate {or at least I seem to think so}- Ripped it up, glued it down, and started drawing on it. Below is the {short} progression thus far. And the first picture is the old 1400's map that I am basing my artwork after.
The design has been altered too many times to count by now, but I am very pleased on the progress. The work done below was done in a matter of 3 days.. While [at the moment] it sits in my living room because we are fighting, I'm am positive that we will make up and the project will resume and be done on schedule.

Progress, outer part of paneling covered. Originally I ordered these awesome 1530s map [replicas] to cut up and add to the door. [did I forget to mention our bedroom is nautical themed? My interpretation of a captains quarters.. ] I was in love with these maps and have every intention of using them.... (now they sit in my closet for use somewhere else in the room). Until...... I was mid gluing [and had gotten my fingers stuck to the door once again.] upset that I hadn't figured out what direction I truly wanted it to go in I was struck with a thought of sheer brilliance. Instead of the maps being modge podged to the door, I'd draw my own. After all, what was the grueling hours of art classes for, right?

The full door... almost covered..

Finished gluing all the ripped pieces down... Then painted with water color to give an aged look.

And the map [as it is today]

So far, I am very pleased with how it is turning out. As i mentioned above, the door and I.. well, are fighting. I know this might sound a bit odd, but we are. I started sketching the latitude and longitude lines and uh! It just wasn't coming out right. I'm peeved that I can't get it right and don't want to do a "loose interpretation" of the latitude and longitude. I know no one else but myself will even really notice [or subsequently care] but I would. And that bothers me. The door now sits to the right of my desk, with its back turned until I can calm down and obsess about the right way to approach said lines. Until then I have been working on other projects for clients and once I'm finished with those this weekend I might turn my attention once again to the door. Perhaps I might continue on the area with the compass rose and finish up the zodiac wheel. Perhaps.