This weekend we were able to go camping in the Anza-Borego Desert. IT WAS COLD!! Oh my gosh! We woke up one morning to the baby wipes being a solid ice brick! By the time I got up and out of bed it was close to 16 degrees Fahrenheit. Whew!
We took many hikes while out there and I [of course] took a gazillion photos. I love being out in nature and capturing it on film is the best thing ! I love looking at the pictures I took later and not only remembering the amazing time I had but admiring the amazing beauty that is around us.
If you are an avid hiker you will be familiar with the subject of this week's blog entry. It is a trail marker. In some regions, piles of rocks are called "ducks" or "duckies". These are typically smaller cairns, so named because they would typically have a "beak" pointing the way of the path. An expression "to rocks don't make a duck" reminds hikers that just one rock resting upon another could be an accident or nature rather than an intentional trail marker.
I have seen so many of the cairns throughout my hiking/backpacking/rock climbing adventures. The sight of these, no matter how big or small, are a source of comfort for me. I'm not sure why except I know that I'm on the right path and I have nothing to worry about. Whenever we're out hiking I always look for them and if it is a hike we've done before I look for familiar cairns- especially the ones I have either started or added to. It's really fun to see new ones and be welcomed back by old friends.
If you haven't seen one, added to one, or started one..... go out on a hike! Your body and mind will thank you!
week 31: complete
# projects: 1
weeks to go: 5
cumulative project count: 46