MY GREATEST PROJECT YET!!! 9ish months in the making......
Sebastian Grey. What a blessing! And yes, even though I just gave birth, I was still making things.. go me! hahaha.. accually there was a lot of "down time" while the boys were sleeping and in between feedings. I was too bored to sleep. bored? with a new born and 2 year old?? yes. no. well, kinda. Our 2 year old plays by himself a lot and when he's sleeping I have "free time".

Again, her version of this is WAY better than mine, but I think mine will do :) It now has a home on our piano as aprt of our apartment remodel/makeover :) more to come !!
week 23: complete
# of projects: 1
weeks to go: 12
cumulative project count: 31